Decision Making in Aviation: 

Mastering FORDEC and NITS

In the high-stakes environment of aviation, effective decision-making is not just a skill; it is an essential component of a pilot's expertise. Particularly for commanders, the ability to make informed decisions swiftly can be the difference between safety and disaster. My experience has shown that while many pilots are familiar with decision-making frameworks like FORDEC and NITS, they often execute them incorrectly. This misapplication can lead to misunderstandings and critical errors during flight operations.

The Importance of Decision Making

The aviation industry has seen a profound evolution in decision-making processes over the years. Historically, many aviation accidents were attributed to human error, particularly in communication and decision-making. High-profile incidents, such as the Tenerife airport disaster in 1977, highlighted the dire consequences of poor communication and decision-making among crew members. This led to the development of structured approaches, such as Crew Resource Management (CRM), which emphasizes effective teamwork and communication.
One of the key methodologies in CRM is the FORDEC model, which stands for Facts, Options, Risks, Decision, Execution, and Check. This structured approach allows pilots to systematically analyze situations, ensuring that every decision is made based on comprehensive information and consideration of all possible outcomes.

FORDEC: A Structured Decision-Making Model

The FORDEC model is particularly valuable during abnormal or emergency situations. It encourages pilots to:
Gather Facts: Understand the situation by collecting all relevant information.
Identify Options: Explore all possible actions that can be taken.
Evaluate Risks: Analyze the risks associated with each option.
Make a Decision: Choose the best course of action based on the available data.
Execute the Plan: Implement the chosen decision effectively.
Check Outcomes: Monitor the results of the decision to ensure safety and effectiveness.
In my training sessions, I emphasize the real-world application of FORDEC, preparing pilots to execute this framework confidently in both routine and high-pressure scenarios. This preparation is vital, as many pilots fail to demonstrate effective decision-making during airline interviews and simulator assessments, leading to missed opportunities in their careers.

NITS: A Communication Tool for Critical Situations

Alongside decision-making frameworks, structured communication is essential for effective team coordination. The NITS briefing format—Nature, Intentions, Time, and Special instructions—ensures that critical information is communicated clearly among crew members during abnormal or emergency situations.
Originating from military aviation, NITS has been widely adopted in commercial aviation as part of CRM practices. It facilitates clear communication, helping to prevent misunderstandings that could lead to dangerous situations. By using the NITS format, pilots can ensure that everyone in the cockpit is on the same page, significantly enhancing safety and coordination.

Training Offerings

At Shore Aviation, we recognise the importance of both decision-making and communication skills in a pilot's career. Our training programs are specifically designed to prepare pilots for airline interviews and simulator assessments, where these skills are often scrutinised. We offer a variety of training formats, including classroom sessions, online modules, and simulator training, all aimed at developing proficiency in FORDEC and NITS.
As a native English speaker with an English Language Proficiency (ELP) level of 6, combined with my extensive aviation experience and TEFL qualification, I am well-equipped to guide pilots through these crucial training modules. Additionally, we provide access to a native Chinese-speaking English teacher based in China, ensuring that our training is accessible and effective for all participants.


In summary, mastering decision-making processes like FORDEC and effective communication tools like NITS is vital for all pilots, particularly commanders. These skills not only enhance safety in the cockpit but are also essential for career progression in the aviation industry. At Shore Aviation, we are dedicated to equipping pilots with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their careers.









除了决策框架外,结构化沟通对于有效的团队协调至关重要。NITS简报格式——性质(Nature)、意图(Intentions)、时间(Time)和特别指示(Special instructions)——确保在异常或紧急情况下机组成员之间清晰传达关键信息。


在Shore Aviation,我们认识到决策和沟通技能在飞行员职业生涯中的重要性。我们的培训项目专门为飞行员准备,帮助他们应对航空公司面试和模拟评估,期间这些技能往往受到严格审查。我们提供多种培训形式,包括课堂教学、在线模块和模拟器训练,旨在培养飞行员在FORDEC和NITS方面的熟练程度。


总之,掌握像FORDEC这样的决策过程和像NITS这样的有效沟通工具对于所有飞行员,特别是机长,至关重要。这些技能不仅提高了机舱的安全性,也是航空行业职业发展的重要条件。在Shore Aviation,我们致力于为飞行员提供他们在职业生涯中取得成功所需的知识和技能。

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